Cullingworth Village Primary School

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Our latest awards!

Well done to our fantastic Cross Country Runners!


 Click here for photos and results of the Cross Country runs.


At Cullingworth Village Primary School we believe that leading active lives helps to improve fitness and mental well-being. To support our children’s development of secure Physical Develop, we dedicate two hours of PE lessons per week for every child in Years One to Six. During these lessons, children are taught essential skills such as balance, hand-eye co-ordination and throwing and catching. Children are also taught social skills through team games, where children understand that working as a team is the best way to succeed with a given task and encourages children to communicate with one another to reach a desired goal.



Our children are actively encouraged to celebrate their own personal sporting achievements outside of school during our assembly times, where children are invited to bring along any awards, trophies or certificates they may have won during the previous week or weekend. We believe that treating personal achievements in this way builds our children’s confidence, self-esteem and resilience and gives physical development a raised profile within our school.


We understand that not all of our children have access to additional clubs or activities outside of school, therefore we build mini-competitions and tournaments in to every half term for every child in our school. In addition to this, we also take our children to competitions outside of school and expose our children to formal competition outlets. We find that this kind of experience improves our children’s confidence and resilience and actually impacts on other areas of their learning.


Physical Education has close links with Science, RSE, Maths and PSHCE. This enables children to make links between their Physical Education learning and things they have learned in other subjects.


The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Lead healthy, active lives.
  • All children in Year 5 participate in swimming lessons once a week


Our whole school PE curriculum map

Bradford Panathlon - February 2022

Well done to our amazing Panathlon team for coming 2nd place in the competition and for being great representatives of our school!