Cullingworth Village Primary School

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Year 1 & 2 

Welcome to our Year 1 & 2 classes from September.


 Snowy Owls (Year 1/2)

Class Teacher

Mrs Inman (Monday - Wednesday)

Mrs Wootton (Thursday and Friday)

Support Staff

Mrs Dumont, Miss Warriner & Miss Robinson

PE Days

Tuesday and Thursday

Barn Owls (Year 1/2)

Class Teacher

Mrs Hansen

Support Staff

Mrs Wood & Mrs Campbell

PE Days

Tuesday and Thursday

Tawny Owls (Year 1/2)

Class Teacher

Miss Brown (Tuesday - Thursday)

Mrs Barlow (Monday)

Support Staff

Miss Stainer, Miss Clarke, Mrs Dumont, Miss Warriner

PE Days

Tuesday and Thursday


Our Learning

animated-earth-image-0021Our topic in Autumn 2 is: What a wonderful world!animated-space-travel-image-0008

Here is our curriculum map for this half term...

Here is our Homework menu for this half term...